L’office des brevets des États-Unis a accordé à la société
Blackboard un brevet sur l’enseignement en ligne. Plus exactement, le brevet est intitulé « Internet-Based Education Support System And Methods ».
Presque simultanément, Blackboard a porté plainte contre un des ses nombreux concurrents, la société canadienne
Desire2Learn :
On Wednesday, July 26, Blackboard Inc. issued a press release about a patent that was issued to them by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. That day, Blackboard Inc., a Washington, D.C. corporation, filed suit against Desire2Learn Inc. in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, alleging that Desire2Learn is infringing on the patent Blackboard announced that day.
Blackboard a de plus des demandes de brevets en cours dans d’autres pays du monde, y compris dans l’Union Européenne (où à ce jour, comme chacun sait, les brevets logiciels sont illégaux).
In addition, patents corresponding with the U.S. patent have been issued in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore and are pending in the European Union, China, Japan, Canada, India, Israel, Mexico, South Korea, Hong Kong and Brazil.
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